OK this is where we left off last night . (If you didn't leave this overnight to dry it would take apporx 3/4 hr to dry ) and now both covers should be dry to continue..
cut 2x mount board or simular approx 2mm thick 16cm x 18cm.
place a small amount of d/sided tape on the board to help hold the board in place, for the next step you will need a scoring tool.
fold the side over and score the edge (see picture sequences)
open and fold and score the other angle
Now open fold over to match the scored areas to the board below and score again
now refold over on top...it really is important to score every time to get a flat folded finish.
and the other side, This is the easiest way to make nice neat corners, repeat on all 4 sides and use double sided tape to secure down repeat the same on the other cover....
now choose which one will be front and set that to one side. On the back cover, mark and punch 2 holes using either a cropper, or a screw punch about an inch from the edge.on the outside edge.Thread your slider bead onto the length of elastic and thread through from the back,and tie a knot. remembering to have enough elastic give, to allow you to close your store wrapping the elastic from the back to the front approx 8 inches in total.before you securing the inner cover to the back try putting the whole thing together without the wire see fig 1 below (scroll down)..you can ajust the elastic if needs be...
now attach the inner cover to hide the knot.
before placing the inner cover on the front cover I wrapped a length of silver ribbon, this is not only decorative but also give you a visual note that this is the front....
attach inner lining and everything is nice and neat.
now ...Fold the flap of your envelopes to the crease score flat and fold again and stick down using d/sided tape, for the Stencil store I used 36 envelopes, and for the embossables I used 24 as they are thicker for embossing...
here is the stck already to punch the holes

fig 1
now just to check .
1, front cover
2, envelopes
3, back cover,
Place the front cover over the back cover as you would when opening and this is the order to punch the holes use the guide lines for your machine, there are ten holes for the wire and one extra on the front for embelishments..( if you want precise measurments send me a message and I will send you a work sheet as I tend to punch the holes in the envelopes first then mark first and last on the cover and align up the envelope holes to the center of the covers..looks neater.....)
once you have puched all holes ,thread the wire from back to front so that's through the envelopes first ,close the wires and put the front cover to the front...
now you can place your stencils into the pockets...Perfect fit !!!....
On this occasion I have used the Snowflake flurry full stencil, and sail boat blue Adirondack ink pad and stippled through the stencil directly onto the envelope. another great way to see what's in each pocket...continue to decorate each pocket this way.....
As you can't put the embossable store through the machine for each design when you use one of your Embossables cut a small piece and stick in on the envelope pocket ..actually if you did it with different colour card you will have a great reference to what colours look like what..
Your done !!!!
of course you can decorate each to suit , I covered one with floral papers and one with stripes just so it's easy reference for me, and of course to show you what you can do too!!
My Embossable Store
And the Everyday Stencil Store..
The ribbons used were from Fantastic Ribbons..and the bead slider from The beadshop
ps. Sneaky Peeks!!!!! Over the next couple of days I will be posting on both blogs...... some of the card samples which will be on the next TV Show on QVC 21 August at 4pm.
And then I can show you all the new designs !!!!!!!
Till then Have fun ...Jayne x